Leap Year Day is officially observed on February 29, however it only occurs once every four years. Now that you know what you can do with your additional day this year, you don’t need to ask. We have the solution. Watch the movie Leap Year!
The Princeton Public Library in New Jersey will show the 2010 romantic comedy “Leap Year” from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 29. Tea and cookies will be served beginning at 2:45 p.m. It is first come, first served and free to everybody.
Because it is traditional in Ireland for a guy to accept a proposal for marriage on a leap day, the movie’s Anna Brady proposes to her boyfriend Jeremy in Dublin, Ireland on February 29.
The Princeton Public Library is located at 65 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, NJ 08542. For the most recent information on the Princeton Public Library, visit to www.princetonlibrary.org
Decoding ‘Leap Year’: Understanding the Story
Leap Year is a 2010 romantic comedy starring Amy Adams and Matthew Goode and directed by Anand Tucker.
The film centers on Anna Brady (Amy Adams), who decides to go to Dublin, Ireland, on February 29, leap day, to purpose to hear boyfriend Jeremy (Matthew Goode). She encounters a number of challenges over the entire voyage.
Leap Year: Women’s Proposal Power
Traditionally, men have asked their partners to marry them on any day of the year for a long time. According to legend, in 1288, Queen Margaret of Scotland enacted a law allowing women to propose during leap years. If a woman was denied a proposal, she was allegedly entitled to a fee, which may take the form of a silk gown, gloves, or a kiss.
The Cast of ‘Leap Year’: Who Takes the Lead?
The movie stars Amy Adams and Matthew Goode in the lead roles. Adam Scott and John Lithgow are also among the stars.
Those who would prefer to watch at home on a sofa with popcorn instead of going to the Princeton Library can do so via Apple TV, Google Play, and Prime Video. Unfortunately, Netflix does not have it accessible.