Lufthansa Flights Ready to Soar Again After Cancellation of Airport Staff Strike

Lufthansa flights’ operations have resumed following the cancellation of their ground crew’s second strike on Wednesday. It takes some time for the flight operations to return to normal, though.
A Passenger arriving to airport after Lufthansa Flights operations resumed post cancellation of airport staff strike

Lufthansa AG ground staff went on a second 35 -hour long strike on Feb 20. The first strike, which lasted 27 hours, began on February 7.

Lufthansa’ s website stated that they intend to gradually resume flights in Frankfurt and Munich on Wednesday morning following the end of the Verdi strike.

Since the Lufthansa flights operation takes time to normalize, passengers are urged by the company to frequently check the status of their flights on the Lufthansa website or app.

Employees were asked to stop working by the trade union Verdi for a second time this month due to an ongoing pay dispute with the airline. The frequent strikes are an attempt to put pressure on Lufthansa’s management to increase wages and offer bonuses to assist workers keep up with inflation.

With the strike, negotiations were set between Lufthansa management and Verdi union, and it appears that an amicable solution to the workers’ demand has been reached. The outcome of the negotiations has yet to be disclosed.

Given that a large number of workers were engaged in the strikes and thus affected flight operations massively, it was anticipated that the conclusion would come soon.

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